Welcome to the TrailMark at Chatfield HOA website!
Photo by Eric Siegler
Important Issues & Policies in TrailMark
View or sign up for the monthly newsletter. We do not share your email address.
If you are doing any exterior work to your home or property, it is important to obtain DRC approval first.
Trash and recycling containers may only be placed curbside the morning of trash pick-up. Bears are common in our neighborhood.
There are guidelines for staining fences that are the homeowner’s responsibility.
Click here for a list of websites and pages related to TrailMark.
TrailMark News
Upcoming Events
Visit the SOCIAL COMMITTEE page for a list of all of this year’s social events.
Events Calendar
Visit the Website Calendar for events in TrailMark and surrounding areas.
- View events in TrailMark, Littleton and surrounding areas.
- All events are subject to change.
- Scroll down to the bottom of the left column on this page for details on upcoming events.
Welcome, New Residents!
There is a web page that welcomes TrailMark’s incoming residents and offers essential information for a smooth transition.
Entering TrailMark
If the light is red, a stop is NOT required prior to turning right onto TrailMark Parkway from southbound Wadsworth. Please remember to YIELD to pedestrians. Traffic Statute
Like Us on Facebook
Join the official TrailMark HOA Facebook page to stay up to date on all the happenings in the neighborhood!
Volunteers Needed
Please visit the
Volunteer page.
If you find something in a public area that needs attention, the City of Littleton requests that you report it on their SeeClickFix
Animal Control Laws
General Information
Important Phone Numbers
Visit TrailMark’s Who to Contact page.
Report Crime
Report any information regarding theft or vandalism in TrailMark and the surrounding open space to Littleton Police immediately at 303-794-1551.
Police / Fire / Medical