Dear TrailMark Residents,
Over this past weekend, we were saddened to hear that some vandals graffitied the brand new playground at TrailMark Park.
I think it’s safe to say that no resident in TrailMark condones this destructive and delinquent behavior.
Both parks in TrailMark are owned by South Suburban Parks and Recreation (SSPR). If you witness suspicious activity, and/or destruction of property in the parks, please report these incidents to the South Suburban Park Ranger at 303-435-8227. They are on call 24/7/365.
If you are unable to get in touch with the SSPR Park Ranger, you can also report these matters to Littleton Police at 303-794-1551. Littleton Police will respond quickly.
The good news is SSPR contacted me this morning and said they were dispatching a crew to clean up the unwanted graffiti. I thanked them for their swift efforts.
Please be vigilant and help our kids maintain their brand new playground. Cooperatively, we will all band together to keep these vandals out of TrailMark.
Thank you,
Ken Colaizzi, President
TrailMark HOA
Littleton, CO 80127

Photos by James Olsen