Common Area Committee

Common Area Committee (CAC)
The Common Area Committee goals are as follows:
- The Committee shall meet regularly to evaluate the common areas in TrailMark and to take action to maintain and improve those areas, so as to provide a more beautiful and safe place to live, and to raise the quality of living for the community.
- Work with the Design Review Committee, Finance Committee, and other committees as appropriate on safety, aesthetic, growth and public domain issues.
Contact for more information or to volunteer your time.
Common Area Committee Articles
The CAC needs Volunteers to help keep our Community Beautiful
You don’t have to be a horticulturalist, but rather, just someone who loves plants and growing beautiful things.
TrailMark’s Common Area Committee puts that finishing touch on our Community plant life, and has a great time putting those green thumbs on our flowerbeds and greenery.
Come join us… Bring your love of plants!
Just send an email to the Common Area Committee –, and say that you would like to help!

Pene and Mary marking trees and shrubs for trimming or removal. Photos by Phil Kinney.
Posted July 10, 2021
Who’s on 1st? What’s on 2nd?
Are you a little confused who is responsible for the different areas and items in TrailMark? It is confusing when there are so many different entities responsible for different areas. We hope that the following will help:
City of Littleton:
· All streets except private streets in Star Canyon.
· Police, street sweeping, snow plowing.
· Manages street signs.
Jefferson County:
· Hildebrand Open Space that surrounds most of TrailMark and its trail system(s).
South Suburban Parks and Recreation:
· All trails inside TrailMark except inside Star Canyon.
· All open space within the TrailMark community.
· Athletic field and park area.
· South side of TrailMark Parkway from entrance to South Flower Way.
TrailMark Metro District:
· All reservoirs and ponds.
· Painting on all split rail fencing* along trails and open space.
*(splitting the maintenance cost 50% with TM HOA)
· Maintaining the land along the holding ponds.
TrailMark HOA:
· All privacy fencing and landscaping along TrailMark Parkway and South Independence Street.
· Repairs all split rail fencing* along trails and open space.
*(splitting the maintenance cost 50% with TMMD)
· Trash collection for the community.
· Common Area landscaping.
· Social Committee events.
Shea Homes:
· Building site to the north of the entrance.
South Metro:
· Fire station near the entrance/exit to the community.
· All property within their property lines (corner lots own property between fence and sidewalk).
· ANY changes to the exterior of the home or property must receive PRIOR APPROVAL from the DRC.
TrailMark CAC (Common Area Committee)
Posted November 1, 2020